Tag Archives: Book

Thankful Thursday

23 Feb

Okay so I don’t know if any of you have been watching, but I’m VERY thankful for…

This show is awesome! I haven’t missed an episode, then again, thats what DVR is for. 🙂

I’m always thankful for this little guy, he’s just so darn cute when he sees our laser pen on the floor. He goes crazy, just flying back and forth across the carpet. Next time I will get you a video of him trying to catch the green dot.


I’m also thankful for Gelato. The husband and I went to Whole Foods and got ourselves some very yummy gelato. I mean who can resist when there’s flavors like Maple Pecan, Lemon Chocolate Raspberry, Coconut or Pumpkin. Yum!

I’m also thankful for this book that I mentioned awhile back. It was good and I just discovered that the second one is already out and I somehow had no clue, so I’m pretty excited!!! 🙂

So what are you thankful for today?



I Finished It

10 Sep

Here’s how my day went, woke up way too late, told my husband to take the car and decided to stay in the hotel room all day so I could finally wash clothes and catch up on some reading. Also I know my puppy Aladdin was happy, he had me all to himself all day long.

See how comfy he is since I stayed in all day.

Oh so I finished it: the laundry and that book Possession I mention here. I don’t know what makes me more happy, finishing a new book or being done with laundry!

See how neat and pretty I made the laundry. That only happens when I’m stuck inside and a zillion miles away from home. Boredom, makes me neat, huh who knew.

Okay, so possession was good, I really enjoyed it, not 5 stars enjoyed it but maybe 3.5 to 4 stars. Somewhere in that range. The only thing I didn’t like about it, was sometimes her writing was confusing or randomly I just felt lost. Maybe thats just me but thats why it’s not a 5 in my book. I don’t want to say too much else about it so I don’t ruin for you, but it’s worth the time.

Well enjoy your weekend! Hope you have something fabulous planned!